Dec 22, 2011

Thanks 2011, hi 2012!

In spite of the current economic crisis, we think that 2011 has been a year full of opportunities for people and for the product design sector, specially. Expensive products such as Apple's are selling worldwide like freshly baked bread and emerging economies with massive population are increasing their purchasing power like crazy.

For two things, economic crisis and necessity has brought innovation, and currency fluctuations around the world has shifted business opportunities. Suppliers and job leads are now in places you wouldn't expect before.

So, how was 2011 for you?

Our hopes are that it was very good, healthy, and productive.

For Interloft, it was a really great, mind-blowing year. We had really interesting projects, especially in the housewares and promotional area. Many products being manufactured by the tens of thousands.

What's the scenario for 2012?
Next year poses some challenges for Mexico, where elections will take place and that almost always means some turmoil and less confidence. However, slow but constant currency devaluation means production is shifting back to the country, and China's is becoming more expensive. North America, but specially Europe are at crossroads and we will have to watch closely. Asia is still growing, but developed countries' slowdown may be a bit harmful. Interloft is undertaking some investment plans both in the product supply and the development sectors, we'll let you know soon!

Our wish for you is that 2012 is full of emotions, innovation, hard work, and love.